A Day in the Life.....

Monday, August 07, 2006


We had a person in our ward offer us a toddler bed. So, we thought what a great opportunity to get Tahirah used to it now so she's all ready when the baby comes. Carson made the transistion pretty easy so we didn't think it would be much different with Tahirah. Boy, were we wrong! She is a lot more attached to her crib then we thought. Even if she is sound asleep and we lay her in that bed her eyes pop wide open and she starts screaming. What's weird about it is she loves to lay in her new bed and jump around on it, she just refuses to sleep in it. So, I guess any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Wednesday, August 02, 2006


I decided it was time to post more pics of my kids just because they are so darn cute! Things have been going pretty well with us. Dayv has been working extra hours at the shop for more money. So, he's gone by 6:30 am and gets home at 10:00 pm. Not much fun for anybody but I really do appreciate all that he does to support our family. He really works hard. I am now 16 wks pregnant (as you know from my previous post). I have started feeling the baby (always very cool) and we get to find out what it is on the 1st of September! YEA!!! The kids went with me to my last appointment last friday and Pete (my nurse midwife) let him hold the doppler while he listened to the baby's heartbeat. Carson thought that was pretty cool. The baby even kicked 4/5 times while it the doppler was on my belly. The kids recently spent two nights at Grandma's (Denton) and had loads of fun. It was also a nice break for Dayv and I. We went to Park City! Well, I guess that's pretty much all that's happened in the last little while. I'll try to keep this updated more often but I'm not promising anything....

p.s. The pic of Carson kind of has a funny story. I guess he decided that Keltin was his little pet that he had to take care of. Keltin was already sitting in the box and so Carson got him a blanket and tried feeding him a carrot. He also took a nap (like 10 sec) with him later. What was so funny is Keltin actually stayed in his box for several hours as Carson was "taking care of him". Maybe he liked the pampering, who knows?

16 WKS

Hope this doesn't gross anyone out but I was on a message board for Jan 2007 babies and they had a thread where everybody was posting their pregnant bellies. I thought it looked kind of fun. I've never been one to like taking pictures period when I'm pregnant but since this is going to be my last pregnancy I thought, what the heck. So, here it is. Sorry it's so close, I had to take it myself. Maybe I'll post a better one later.